Source code for meta_policy_search.meta_algos.base

from meta_policy_search import utils
from meta_policy_search.policies.base import Policy

from collections import OrderedDict
import tensorflow as tf
import numpy as np

class MetaAlgo(object):
    Base class for algorithms

        policy (Policy) : policy object

    def __init__(self, policy):
        assert isinstance(policy, Policy)
        self.policy = policy
        self._optimization_keys = None

    def build_graph(self):
        Creates meta-learning computation graph


            for task in meta_batch_size:
            for step in num_grad_steps:
                for task in meta_batch_size:
            set objectives for optimizer
        raise NotImplementedError

    def make_vars(self, prefix=''):
            prefix (str) : a string to prepend to the name of each variable

            (tuple) : a tuple containing lists of placeholders for each input type and meta task
        raise NotImplementedError

    def _adapt_sym(self, surr_obj, params_var):
        Creates the symbolic representation of the tf policy after one gradient step towards the surr_obj

            surr_obj (tf_op) : tensorflow op for task specific (inner) objective
            params_var (dict) : dict of placeholders for current policy params

            (dict):  dict of tf.Tensors for adapted policy params
        raise NotImplementedError

    def _adapt(self, samples):
        Performs MAML inner step for each task and stores resulting gradients # (in the policy?)

            samples (list) : list of lists of samples (each is a dict) split by meta task

        raise NotImplementedError

    def optimize_policy(self, all_samples_data, log=True):
        Performs MAML outer step for each task

            all_samples_data (list) : list of lists of lists of samples (each is a dict) split by gradient update and meta task
            log (bool) : whether to log statistics

        raise NotImplementedError

[docs]class MAMLAlgo(MetaAlgo): """ Provides some implementations shared between all MAML algorithms Args: policy (Policy): policy object inner_lr (float) : gradient step size used for inner step meta_batch_size (int): number of meta-learning tasks num_inner_grad_steps (int) : number of gradient updates taken per maml iteration trainable_inner_step_size (boolean): whether make the inner step size a trainable variable """ def __init__(self, policy, inner_lr=0.1, meta_batch_size=20, num_inner_grad_steps=1, trainable_inner_step_size=False): super(MAMLAlgo, self).__init__(policy) assert type(num_inner_grad_steps) and num_inner_grad_steps >= 0 assert type(meta_batch_size) == int self.inner_lr = float(inner_lr) self.meta_batch_size = meta_batch_size self.num_inner_grad_steps = num_inner_grad_steps self.trainable_inner_step_size = trainable_inner_step_size #TODO: make sure this actually works self.adapt_input_ph_dict = None self.adapted_policies_params = None self.step_sizes = None def _make_input_placeholders(self, prefix=''): """ Args: prefix (str) : a string to prepend to the name of each variable Returns: (tuple) : a tuple containing lists of placeholders for each input type and meta task, and for convenience, a list containing all placeholders created """ obs_phs, action_phs, adv_phs, dist_info_phs, dist_info_phs_list = [], [], [], [], [] dist_info_specs = self.policy.distribution.dist_info_specs all_phs_dict = OrderedDict() for task_id in range(self.meta_batch_size): # observation ph ph = tf.placeholder(dtype=tf.float32, shape=[None, self.policy.obs_dim], name='obs' + '_' + prefix + '_' + str(task_id)) all_phs_dict['%s_task%i_%s'%(prefix, task_id, 'observations')] = ph obs_phs.append(ph) # action ph ph = tf.placeholder(dtype=tf.float32, shape=[None, self.policy.action_dim], name='action' + '_' + prefix + '_' + str(task_id)) all_phs_dict['%s_task%i_%s' % (prefix, task_id, 'actions')] = ph action_phs.append(ph) # advantage ph ph = tf.placeholder(dtype=tf.float32, shape=[None], name='advantage' + '_' + prefix + '_' + str(task_id)) all_phs_dict['%s_task%i_%s' % (prefix, task_id, 'advantages')] = ph adv_phs.append(ph) # distribution / agent info dist_info_ph_dict = {} for info_key, shape in dist_info_specs: ph = tf.placeholder(dtype=tf.float32, shape=[None] + list(shape), name='%s_%s_%i' % (info_key, prefix, task_id)) all_phs_dict['%s_task%i_agent_infos/%s' % (prefix, task_id, info_key)] = ph dist_info_ph_dict[info_key] = ph dist_info_phs.append(dist_info_ph_dict) return obs_phs, action_phs, adv_phs, dist_info_phs, all_phs_dict def _adapt_objective_sym(self, action_sym, adv_sym, dist_info_old_sym, dist_info_new_sym): raise NotImplementedError def _build_inner_adaption(self): """ Creates the symbolic graph for the one-step inner gradient update (It'll be called several times if more gradient steps are needed) Args: some placeholders Returns: adapted_policies_params (list): list of Ordered Dict containing the symbolic post-update parameters adapt_input_list_ph (list): list of placeholders """ obs_phs, action_phs, adv_phs, dist_info_old_phs, adapt_input_ph_dict = self._make_input_placeholders('adapt') adapted_policies_params = [] for i in range(self.meta_batch_size): with tf.variable_scope("adapt_task_%i" % i): with tf.variable_scope("adapt_objective"): distribution_info_new = self.policy.distribution_info_sym(obs_phs[i], params=self.policy.policies_params_phs[i]) # inner surrogate objective surr_obj_adapt = self._adapt_objective_sym(action_phs[i], adv_phs[i], dist_info_old_phs[i], distribution_info_new) # get tf operation for adapted (post-update) policy with tf.variable_scope("adapt_step"): adapted_policy_param = self._adapt_sym(surr_obj_adapt, self.policy.policies_params_phs[i]) adapted_policies_params.append(adapted_policy_param) return adapted_policies_params, adapt_input_ph_dict def _adapt_sym(self, surr_obj, params_var): """ Creates the symbolic representation of the tf policy after one gradient step towards the surr_obj Args: surr_obj (tf_op) : tensorflow op for task specific (inner) objective params_var (dict) : dict of tf.Tensors for current policy params Returns: (dict): dict of tf.Tensors for adapted policy params """ # TODO: Fix this if we want to learn the learning rate (it isn't supported right now). update_param_keys = list(params_var.keys()) grads = tf.gradients(surr_obj, [params_var[key] for key in update_param_keys]) gradients = dict(zip(update_param_keys, grads)) # gradient descent adapted_policy_params = [params_var[key] - tf.multiply(self.step_sizes[key], gradients[key]) for key in update_param_keys] adapted_policy_params_dict = OrderedDict(zip(update_param_keys, adapted_policy_params)) return adapted_policy_params_dict def _adapt(self, samples): """ Performs MAML inner step for each task and stores the updated parameters in the policy Args: samples (list) : list of dicts of samples (each is a dict) split by meta task """ assert len(samples) == self.meta_batch_size assert [sample_dict.keys() for sample_dict in samples] sess = tf.get_default_session() # prepare feed dict input_dict = self._extract_input_dict(samples, self._optimization_keys, prefix='adapt') input_ph_dict = self.adapt_input_ph_dict feed_dict_inputs = utils.create_feed_dict(placeholder_dict=input_ph_dict, value_dict=input_dict) feed_dict_params = self.policy.policies_params_feed_dict feed_dict = {**feed_dict_inputs, **feed_dict_params} # merge the two feed dicts # compute the post-update / adapted policy parameters adapted_policies_params_vals =, feed_dict=feed_dict) # store the new parameter values in the policy self.policy.update_task_parameters(adapted_policies_params_vals) def _extract_input_dict(self, samples_data_meta_batch, keys, prefix=''): """ Re-arranges a list of dicts containing the processed sample data into a OrderedDict that can be matched with a placeholder dict for creating a feed dict Args: samples_data_meta_batch (list) : list of dicts containing the processed data corresponding to each meta-task keys (list) : a list of keys that should exist in each dict and whose values shall be extracted prefix (str): prefix to prepend the keys in the resulting OrderedDict Returns: OrderedDict containing the data from all_samples_data. The data keys follow the naming convention: '<prefix>_task<task_number>_<key_name>' """ assert len(samples_data_meta_batch) == self.meta_batch_size input_dict = OrderedDict() for meta_task in range(self.meta_batch_size): extracted_data = utils.extract( samples_data_meta_batch[meta_task], *keys ) # iterate over the desired data instances and corresponding keys for j, (data, key) in enumerate(zip(extracted_data, keys)): if isinstance(data, dict): # if the data instance is a dict -> iterate over the items of this dict for k, d in data.items(): assert isinstance(d, np.ndarray) input_dict['%s_task%i_%s/%s' % (prefix, meta_task, key, k)] = d elif isinstance(data, np.ndarray): input_dict['%s_task%i_%s'%(prefix, meta_task, key)] = data else: raise NotImplementedError return input_dict def _extract_input_dict_meta_op(self, all_samples_data, keys): """ Creates the input dict for all the samples data required to perform the meta-update Args: all_samples_data (list):list (len = num_inner_grad_steps + 1) of lists (len = meta_batch_size) containing dicts that hold processed samples data keys (list): a list of keys (str) that should exist in each dict and whose values shall be extracted Returns: """ assert len(all_samples_data) == self.num_inner_grad_steps + 1 meta_op_input_dict = OrderedDict() for step_id, samples_data in enumerate(all_samples_data): # these are the gradient steps dict_input_dict_step = self._extract_input_dict(samples_data, keys, prefix='step%i'%step_id) meta_op_input_dict.update(dict_input_dict_step) return meta_op_input_dict def _create_step_size_vars(self): # Step sizes with tf.variable_scope('inner_step_sizes'): step_sizes = dict() for key, param in self.policy.policy_params.items(): shape = param.get_shape().as_list() init_stepsize = np.ones(shape, dtype=np.float32) * self.inner_lr step_sizes[key] = tf.Variable(initial_value=init_stepsize, name='%s_step_size' % key, dtype=tf.float32, trainable=self.trainable_inner_step_size) return step_sizes